Daiquiri Frappe 

I love a Daiquiri.  I love its simplicity.  Its clean taste.  Three ingredients.  Easy peasy.  And there are a million ways you can pimp your Daiquiri to suit your mood: A straight forward Daiquiri for the clean, classic lines, a Papa Doble if you fancy something a little fruitier, or a Luxardo Sparkling Hemingway if you fancied it with a little fizz.  

One of the simplest ways to pimp your Daiquiri is just to serve it over crushed ice as a Frappe like we have here.  You’ll need the basics in your shaker full of ice:

50 ml white rum, preferably a Bacardi

15ml lime juice

10 ml simple syrup

Shake it really hard over your ice cubes, and then strain into a glass full of fresh crushed or shaved ice.  It really is that simple.  The crushed ice obviously helps keep the chill in the daiquiri as long as possible, but be warned though: take too long to drink it and by the end you’ll have a glass full of watered down, weak meh, and you don’t want that.  Trust me.

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