
Welcome !

My name is Helen Rowlands, and over recent years have become known to friends and colleagues as the Cocktail Queen.  


Join me here as I explore new ingredients, discover new cocktails, share a window into my world every now and again, and help you expand your own cocktail horizons.  


Has your life reverted back to just what it was pre-lockdown? No. Mine neither. I’m definitely keeping hold of a few lockdown habits and not racing out to get on a plane or rush back to my desk at work.

And as we’ve learned, there is actually something rather lovely about getting ‘together’ with friends and family over the ether; especially when you can get together with people miles apart, or people from disparate groups that wouldn’t normally be in the same room at the same time. I think many of us will be keeping half an eye on how well we embraced staying in as the new going out.

Making weekends different from mid-week when you’re still working on the dining room table every day continues to be important. For me, cocktails have been and are still a significant part of the answer. Not drinking during the week means looking forward to opening the bar, and Fridays bar *always* opens with a cocktail. And how early I decide on my Friday cocktail is an indicator of how my week has been: we’re all in real trouble if I’ve made that decision by Monday!!

Since we took the decision to open our home to a family escaping Putins invasion of Ukraine, I’ve also started writing a blog: opening a window onto my world. And I think if I’d known then what I know now, I might have secured a book deal instead of writing a blog. Read my regular blogs and (hopefully) feel relieved that your world is nowhere near as chaotic as ours…

Thankfully, our Ukrainian guests have been happy to throw themselves into cocktailing so join me to enjoy more cocktails every single week 🙂

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